December 6, 2023 duration: 4 min

Transient antibody expression in CHO cells: Our approach at evitria

Richard Park

Richard Park

Senior Director, Business Development at evitria

The transient expression of recombinant antibodies holds immense significance for scientific breakthroughs and therapeutic advancements. Recombinant antibodies serve as critical tools across various industries, from advancing medical treatments to facilitating groundbreaking research.

Among the methodologies employed in antibody expression, evitria has developed a distinctive approach known for its efficacy in transient antibody expression using CHO cells. You’ll learn more about it in this article.

Why recombinant antibodies?

Recombinant antibodies, synthesized through genetic engineering techniques, are pivotal tools in various scientific and medical applications.

These antibodies are crafted by introducing specific DNA sequences into host cells, enabling the production of antibodies with tailored characteristics.

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Their significance lies in their versatility and precision. Unlike traditional antibodies derived from animals, recombinant antibodies offer several advantages:

  • Tailored characteristics: Genetic manipulation allows precise modification of antibody properties, such as enhancing specificity or altering functionality, catering to diverse research or therapeutic needs.
  • Consistency and reproducibility: Through controlled production methods, recombinant antibodies ensure uniform quality and reproducibility, crucial for reliable experimental outcomes and therapeutic consistency.
  • Reduced immunogenicity: By designing antibodies with minimized immunogenicity, potential adverse immune reactions in patients can be mitigated, a crucial aspect in therapeutic applications.
  • Diverse applications: These antibodies find utility in various applications, including disease diagnosis, targeted therapy, and probing intricate cellular mechanisms, fostering advancements across multiple scientific disciplines.

Recombinant antibodies, owing to their tailored properties and consistent quality, serve as indispensable tools in scientific research and medical advancements, driving innovation and precision in various fields. This is why evitria has specialized in their production.

Why CHO cells?

Within the spectrum of expression systems employed for recombinant antibody production, Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells stand out for various reasons.

CHO cells offer a unique blend of characteristics crucial for efficient antibody production. One notable advantage is their ability to perform complex post-translational modifications, mirroring human-like glycosylation patterns. This similarity in glycosylation ensures the production of antibodies with structures more closely resembling those found in humans, enhancing their efficacy and reducing immunogenicity.

Moreover, CHO cells demonstrate robust growth characteristics, allowing for scalability in culture, a pivotal aspect when aiming for large-scale antibody production. Their adaptability to suspension cultures simplifies the scalability process, enabling efficient handling and increased yields, essential for industrial-scale production demands.

Additionally, CHO cells (the use of which does not involve live animals today) are well-documented for their stability in long-term culture, maintaining desirable genetic traits over multiple passages. This stability contributes to consistent antibody production and minimizes the risk of genetic drift, ensuring reproducibility and reliability in the manufacturing process.

Transient transfection – which cell lines are the best option?

Why transient transfection?

Transient and stable transfection methods play distinct roles in recombinant antibody production. While stable transfection offers sustained antibody expression through integration into the host cell’s genome, evitria favors the transient method for its unique advantages.

Stable transfection involves integrating the foreign DNA permanently into the host cell’s genome, ensuring a continual production of antibodies. However, this method often demands extensive screening to select high-producing cell lines and requires more time and resources for development.

On the contrary, transient transfection offers flexibility and speed. This method doesn’t necessitate the integration of foreign DNA into the host cell’s genome, allowing for a rapid antibody production turnaround. Furthermore, transient transfection enables the swift expression of antibodies without the need for clonal selection or the establishment of stable cell lines.

evitria’s preference for transient transfection is driven by the accelerated production timelines and the ability to quickly adapt to diverse customer demands.

Read more: Benefits of transient transfection

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Antibody production workflow at evitria

At evitria, the antibody production workflow is meticulously designed to ensure efficiency, quality, and timely delivery of recombinant antibodies. The process is streamlined to meet stringent standards while maintaining a rapid timeline – typically five weeks from start to finish.

The workflow typically begins with the initiation of a project, which swiftly progresses through key stages:

Project initiation

  • Rapid commencement of the project, often within one day of customer approval
  • Process kicks off with a pilot study, advancing from the electronic sequence to quantified pilot supernatant within 15 to 20 business days

Larger-scale expression

  • Transition to larger-scale expression occurs efficiently within 5 to 10 business days
  • Scale-up facilitates increased antibody production while maintaining quality and consistency


  • Purified antibody isolation phase takes approximately 2 to 3 business days
  • Stringent purification protocols to ensure high-quality, reproducible antibodies

Final analytics

  • Comprehensive final analytics, including quality control measures, are completed within 2 to 3 business days
  • Thorough analysis to guarantee integrity and functionality of the produced antibodies


  • The final stage involves the efficient delivery of the produced antibodies, typically within 1 to 2 business days.

The antibodies resulting from evitria’s workflow embody several key advantages. They are consistently high-quality, meeting stringent industry standards. With low levels of endotoxins (<1 EU/mg), these antibodies minimize potential adverse effects, ensuring suitability for a wide array of applications. Additionally, the workflow’s adaptability allows for tailored production, accommodating specific customer requirements.

Transient expression of rAbs in CHO cells – evitria’s service portfolio

evitria’s expertise in transient expression of recombinant antibodies (rAbs) using CHO cells stands as a cornerstone of its service portfolio. We have the technology and knowledge to deliver unparalleled solutions for rapid and high-quality antibody production.

The transient expression approach adopted by evitria leverages the advantages of CHO cells, ensuring a swift and efficient process that surpasses traditional techniques. This methodology allows for custom antibody production in large scales within remarkably short timelines – typically as brief as 5 weeks – while maintaining exceptionally low levels of endotoxins (<1 EU/mg).

The service portfolio offered by evitria spans a wide spectrum, encompassing custom development and manufacturing of various rAbs, including afucosylated antibodies, Fc-silenced antibodies, and other recombinant proteins. This allows us to cater to diverse customer needs across industrial, research, and therapeutic domains.

The key capabilities within evitria’s service portfolio include isotype switching, chimerization, glyco-engineering, and the development of bispecific or trispecific antibodies. These capabilities, coupled with the utilization of CHO cells, empower evitria to deliver tailored solutions meeting specific requirements while ensuring high quality and rapid turnaround times.

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