November 30, 2023 duration: 2 min

Applications of afucosylated antibodies

Desmond Schofield

Desmond Schofield

Chief Business Officer at evitria

As of today, there are several fields of application where afucosylated antibodies are either used or studied for. By removing fucose residues from their structure, afucosylated antibodies – produced using advanced afucosylation technologies like GlymaxX® – bolster immune reactions against a myriad of diseases.

This article explores their applications in cancer immunotherapy, autoimmune and infectious diseases, and personalized medicine.

Afucosylated antibodies and their role in personalized medicine

Afucosylated antibodies herald a new era in personalized medicine by offering tailored therapeutic solutions based on individual patient profiles. These modified antibodies pave the way for precision treatments that consider unique patient characteristics. In oncology, for instance, they allow for treatments that specifically target cancer cells, sparing healthy tissues, thus minimizing side effects.

By leveraging patient-specific data, these antibodies promise treatments finely tuned to each individual’s immune response and disease profile. Their ability to offer precise, patient-centered therapies signifies a paradigm shift towards more effective and targeted medical interventions, marking a significant leap forward in the realm of personalized medicine.

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Cancer immunotherapy with afucosylated abs

Afucosylated antibodies play a pivotal role in cancer immunotherapy by leveraging the body’s immune response against tumors. They function by attaching to specific receptors on cancer cells, signaling immune cells like Natural Killer (NK) cells to recognize and eliminate these targeted cells.

Notably, modified antibodies targeting HER2 in breast cancer demonstrate heightened efficacy in eliminating cancerous cells. Additionally, afucosylated antibodies directed against CD20 in lymphoma patients have already exhibited superior effectiveness in clinical trials.​1​

Afucosylated antibody treatments for autoimmune diseases

Afucosylated antibodies present a promising avenue in addressing autoimmune diseases by modulating immune responses. These modified antibodies hold the potential to selectively regulate the immune system, targeting specific cells associated with autoimmune conditions while sparing healthy tissues. This precision in targeting allows for tailored therapies.

For instance, in rheumatoid arthritis, afucosylated antibodies demonstrate efficacy in B cell depletion. Similarly, in multiple sclerosis, modified antibodies have entered clinical trials phase 3.​1​

Fighting infectious diseases with afucosylated antibodies

Afucosylated antibodies emerge as powerful contenders in addressing infectious diseases, enhancing the immune system’s capacity to neutralize pathogens. These modified antibodies play a vital role in fortifying the body’s defenses against various infectious agents.

Notably, in viral infections such as influenza, afucosylated antibodies exhibit heightened effectiveness in targeting and neutralizing infected cells, curtailing its propagation within the body. This groundbreaking approach holds promise in reshaping the landscape of infectious disease treatment, offering new strategies against a spectrum of pathogens.​1​

Read more: How are afucosylated antibodies developed?

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Generating afucosylated antibodies – evitria and ProBioGen’s GlymaxX® technology

evitria offers afucosylated antibody production via ProBioGen’s GlymaxX® technology. This innovation reduces fucose and, unlike Fc mutations, this approach maintains stability and yields native antibodies with reduced immunogenic risks.

evitria’s specialization ensures rapid, high-quality afucosylated antibody expression, accelerating research timelines. Being specialized in recombinant antibody and protein expression, evitria can provide partners with afucosylated antibodies at high speed – from sequence to antibody in just 5 weeks. With pilot studies completed within 15 to 20 days, evitria spearheads efficient, high-quality antibody production.

  1. 1.
    Pereira NA, Chan KF, Lin PC, Song Z. The “less-is-more” in therapeutic antibodies: Afucosylated anti-cancer antibodies with enhanced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. mAbs. Published online May 7, 2018:693-711. doi:10.1080/19420862.2018.1466767
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